Our Portfolio

All from a single source

of DSR GmbH

As a holding company, DSR GmbH aligns the organisation with the strategic objective.

  • Development and communication of the corporate vision and strategy
  • Membership in advisory boards of subsidiaries
  • Development and implementation of a group-wide ESG strategy
  • Active management of partnerships and shareholdings

  • In-house market research
  • Research and contacts at universities
  • Trend research
  • Benchmarking
  • Empirical bases for strategic decisions
  • Service & advisory
  • Purchase and sale for fund companies and other financial partners
  • Subsidy management
  • Review of potential partnerships
  • Access to capital markets
  • Club Deal structures
  • Identification of exit partners

sustainable, digital & analogue

Construct and Develop



Maintain and service

Maintain and service



Create experiences

Create experiences

Our business units

Real Estate

Real Estate

As a 100% subsidiary DSR Immobilien can rely on a proven track record. The company is responsible for the project management of conversion objects and provides services for RUBUS. Other activities include project management of FF&E contracts and object inspections for investors and operators. All development projects can be carried out either independently or with partners.

DSR Asset Management is responsible for the technical and administrative facility management in the hotels of the DSR-Group, both during the project and construction phase as well as during operation. In addition to the hotels of the DSR Group, the company also works at other third-party properties.

Rubus Development is a 50:50 Joint Venture between Deutsche Seereederei and Implenia Real Estate for the (re)development of sustainable leisure hotel properties. Developments will be realised both on our own and with partners. The JV also acts as a licensor for product developments.
Following the principle of a Green-Hospitality company, Rubus focuses on recyclable building materials according to the “cradle-to-cradle” principle and a near-natural environment. In addition, the focus of the development is on high energy efficiency.



DR Hospitality with its subsidiary DSR Hotel Holding is a joint venture between DSR GmbH and the Rewe Group (DER Touristik) that has existed since October 2021. DSR Hotel Holding thus combines many years of experience and know-how within the tourism sector with innovation, flexible management practices and comprehensive and sustainable business behaviour.
To ensure fast and effective growth of the individual hotel and resort brands, processes are centrally controlled and developed in a combined manner across the individual properties. In this context, the DSR Hotel Holding headquarters acts as a strategic link and service provider for the hotels & resorts. In addition to administrative tasks, finance and personnel processes and workflows, the customer centre, marketing, sales and revenue management also operate centrally here. DSR Hotel Holding has its own development and pre-opening division for a targeted expansion strategy.

DSR Hotel Holding acts as lessee, operator and franchisor for all hotel projects of the DSR-Group. Außerdem ist sie Gesellschafter für Betreiberbeteiligungen. It is also a shareholder for stakes in other hotel companies. The portfolio currently comprises 35 hotels, the majority of which are managed under four of the best-known and most renowned hotel and resort brands in German-speaking countries. The portfolio also includes two traditional individual hotels and four hotels from our Italian subsidiary Mira Hotels & Resorts.


Digital tourism

Digital tourism

DSR Digital Solutions is the digital division of Deutsche Seereederei, founded in 2021. It offers a one-stop shop and the option to book connected trips based on environmentally friendly arrival and departure (and other mobility concepts), sustainably oriented hotels and authentic experiences in the holiday regions. For this the company uses the self-developed digital marketplace 7fridays.

In addition, DSR Digital Solutions is a service provider for digital concepts for the Deutsche Seereederei Group.



Deutsche Seereederei is considered a responsible and solid developer and initiator of new hospitality segments and above-average market opportunities. Time and again, Deutsche Seereederei has anticipated travel behaviour in the German-speaking market at an early stage and developed products and services that adequately reflect the ever faster changing consumer trends and culture – in both the volume and premium segments. This 30-year successful corporate pattern is no coincidence, but is based on a systematised and scientifically based culture of innovation in the company. An InnovationLab working directly with the management recognises early economic, sociological and socio-psychological market signals and uses them to permanently develop resilient market and customer scenarios for the immediate but also long-term future. The decisive factor is the operational integration of all studies and analyses. The InnovationLab acts on the basis of the operative day-to-day business and works hand-in-hand with the hands-on management team in the company.

The analyses and scenarios are not only tested via permanently applied market research activities in cooperation with renowned institutes, but also subjected to a realistic practical test within the framework of pilot projects “on the spot”. Only with this strategic and operational security does Deutsche Seereederei roll out its project ideas in a targeted manner. In addition, the InnovationLab works together with recognised scientists from the fields of economics and social sciences on a situational basis and receives comprehensive impulses.

The InnovationLab is strategically led by Prof. Dr. Oliver Errichiello and Jana Schackopp and continuously integrates dedicated international students from a wide range of disciplines to develop an interdisciplinary picture of the hospitality markets.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Errichiello